Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Ready To Go.

The days fly by in this business. Even today on a day "off" it was just about pedal to the metal all day long. Near insanity.  I'm really trying to make this whole tour go by as smoothly as possible so we can all have a good time. I feel like the preparation is going to be well worth all of the work once things get flowing. Between getting documents created and printed, sending and receiving constant emails and phone calls, and making sure that every detail I can think of has been pre-arranged it has been a very long day.  It has been a good day though, a lot of fun with the guys. I even had some alone time over a good bowl of soup and gathered my thoughts. Soup is an incredible thing. I can't really emphasize that. Soup and bread must be one of the major keystones at the epicenter of all things that human-kind have done right over our brief history. It was nice. 

Then it was time to get the gear ready. The trailer got packed and hooked to the van, doors locked and ready to go. Just a little more than three hours will pass until we all call it home for the next 9 days.  We have a pretty decent first drive, hopefully all is smooth and incident free. 

Ames, Iowa tomorrow (later today). I've never been there but we are all excited. It's a venue that has never hosted national shows before so we will be the largest act that has ever passed through. It's been a long time since we've played a regular show and I think it will be a treat for the people who come out.  

All that being said, I need to get a few winks of sleep before faring off on this endeavor. It can and will take a lot out of a person so rest is a vital necessity. I will try to get a bit of it and be back at it again in no time.  Until then, I am off to relax to a bit of Bob Marley. Goodnight world.

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