Sunday, November 14, 2010

I'm Wearing A Babushka!

First off, I want to apologize for my absolutely horrendous and grotesque efforts at proper grammatical structure and attempts at spelling on my last post. I was typing on my phone on the bumpy ride in the van. Also sorry I'm a couple days behind. I'll catch up. Now onto the goods.

Cedar Rapids was Friday. We always have a really good time there, the people at the club are very helpful and nice folks. Those little things are what makes our day go super easy and much more pleasant.  Despite being crazy busy like usual it was a good day to catch up on work and get things pretty much set for the rest of the tour as far as preparation goes.  We all got to eat at a really good little Thai restaurant just down the sidewalk from 1st Avenue Live.  I haven't had Thai for a long time, so while I only really got to sit and eat for like 20 minutes, it was a good solid meal.

Showtime was crazy.  There were well over 400 in attendance and as always at 1st Ave., it was hot as the dickens. (Pardon my senior citizen wording) The crowd in Cedar Rapids is always a great, energetic bunch.  Friday's show further proved this point.  With exception to a bit of initial technical difficulties, the show went well, and I feel that the fans really got to see a great set. It was a fun one for sure.  After the show, in usual fashion, the guys came out and signed autographs for the fans. I feel that it was one of the longest lines for a signing that I've seen in a long time and it seemed that everyone at the show stopped by to at least say hello.

After all of the ruckus of signing and packing up, we had the chance to relax and unwind a bit. It was really fun, and after a long day it's nice to blow off some steam, kick back, and joke around.  Beyond exhausted we returned to the hotel in the wee hours of the morning as the sun began to come up.  In true rock and roll fashion we ate breakfast in the hotel lobby (of course not having even seen a bed) while many others woke up early for whatever jobs they had to go into the world to complete. I'm certain they must have thought we were nothing more than absolute silliness.  I'm fairly certain we were all so tired we were laughing at anything.  The best part of the entire escapade was Paul's choice in head gear. Known only as a "Babushka", we all envied his fine fur head piece. Post-breakfast, we returned to our rooms. I'm can say with almost complete certainty that I was asleep before my body even touched the bed. That is how we wrapped up the night of the show in Cedar Rapids, a great night it was. Lesson of the day: When in any situation where rocking is an option, ask this. W.W.M.J.D. What would Mick Jagger Do? Rock on folks. Rock on.

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