Sunday, November 14, 2010

Day off, where did the sun go?

Saturday was one of our two days off on this short tour. We all slept like babies (using the term loosely, as I've heard that babies actually wake up every couple of hours crying frantically for a beverage or something of that nature. Only one of us does that.) I woke up to a text from Rek requesting a trip to the beloved "Perkins". As anyone who knows a bit about the HURT camp would understand, we are breakfast fiends. Breakfast is incredible at any time of the day, no matter where you are, no matter if you are actually hungry or not.  We made the journey in the frigid wind and ate ourselves silly on omlettes, chicken buscuits, pancakes (cakes from a pan), eggs and all kinds of other things that were terrible for us. Fantastic!

After our brief trip to Perkins, a stroll about what must be America's least inhabited mall, and a quick round to Target we returned to the hotel to rest more.  It was really cold, and while the weather said it was 37, it felt much colder thanks to the intense winds.

Another little but much needed nap. Awaking again to a request to eat, this time from Michael. "Meet in the lobby to go to dinner at a place called Zins at 7:15." Dreading rolling out of my warm bed, I got up and got dressed for what I thought would be a casual dinner. What I actually got was far beyond what I expected.  Zin's was a most incredible restaurant. Well designed with a modern layout and food that exceeded its visual appearance.  A "tapas" type restaurant, Zin's provided us all with much more food than we bargained for, although not eating it was clearly not an option. Each of our 4 (3 for some) were most excellent to say the very least. Small but delicious portions led us through a labyrinth of flavors and genres of food. From Mac And Cheese to the very popular Scallops dish, we sat and ate for almost 3 hours. It was a great time and an even better meal. I also want to say thanks to my girlfriend, Ali who is the best for putting up with this stuff! I can be hard to deal with sometime, so thank you!

Returning to the hotel on life support from a self induced food coma, we cleaned up and prepared for the long journey to Flint, Michigan.  The eight hour drive was almost certain to test us, especially since we were leaving at 12:30am.  After a quick shower and a brief sit down we piled in the van and commenced our push North.

Lesson of the day:
1. Eat at Zin's.
2. Enjoy each day; good food and great friends doesn't ever hurt. (No pun intended)

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