Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Shaking off the dust.

Well, where to begin…. It’s been a while; call me a slacker if you will, since I’ve written anything. Despite, and perhaps due to touring heavily over the past couple of months my spare time has been scarce therefore replacing time generally for updating my thoughts and meanderings on the world to lay to the side and accumulate a generous amount of dust. So today, while riding through the lovely Georgia countryside I will take out the feather duster and see what kind of goodies I can come up with to cover all the goings on of what has been a very busy fall for me.

After we had last had contact we were about half way through the last HURT tour, which was just but a week long. That tour concluded of course and sent us all back home for a brief spell. It turned out to be very brief for me as shortly after returning home I found myself out there in the wild again tour managing another band. And to be sparing of all the gruesome details we’ll go ahead and fast forward through that tour. Then, again I had another two weeks to spend at home with my girlfriend and my bros at home. It was certainly a lovely couple of weeks.
Now, we start again with the fine gents of the HURT camp. This tour was, and still is to be something different than we’ve all done before. It’s an all-acoustic tour, but not just like a couple of dudes hanging out with acoustic guitars singing some tunes. Well, its kind of like that, but way more awesome. It’s a full band production, drums guitar, violin, bass, and even a cello! This type of thing is something you don’t really see anymore. The acoustic performances of today are something you might see a video of here or there or maybe catch on the radio. This is not that. Sometimes a band plays an acoustic song that sounds like a garbage version of their radio hit just to sound diverse. This is not that. This is a bunch of phenomenal musicians taking songs that are wonderful and changing them into an entire different product and delivering it at the same awe-inspiring quality as a fully plugged in show. Refreshing really, in an age where millions are spent on single songs to make them presentable even on the radio, or auto-tune and a team of producers can make even the most horrendous of junk out of someone’s mouth a worldwide hit, to see true musicianship. Enough rambling about that, if you aren’t familiar check it out. Chances are, you are familiar (probably why most of you are reading this) so in that case, just come out to a show and see it for yourself. All of that is probably nothing new to you fine folks so I won’t bore you with endless droning on the quality of this live show.
Now, cut to behind the scenes…a world that few know or see. The day in, day out “grind” if you will of being on the road. “Grind” is a poor selection here because it generally refers to an unpleasant friction that you typically don’t want to partake in and referring to your profession, as a “grind” should lead you to explore a new career choice. This tour has been nothing like that, not even close. As someone who has been around this band for quite some time, I can without question say that the guys and the people surrounding this band have the best chemistry I’ve ever seen from them. The communication, determination and brotherhood is stronger than its ever been. It’s been remarkable.

We have had a wonderful first 11 days of this tour, it really has been a great time. Everyone has had fun, things have been smooth, and having completed all my  “foot” work very early on the tour has been generally stress free. I couldn’t ask for a better group of guys to be working around, it really makes things great.

I suppose I should wrap it up, keep an eye out for us, we’ll be in a town near you soon!

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