Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Bro bro bro your boat.

Libertyville, Illinois yesterday. Austin's Fuel Room is always a good time. It was one of the first venues I ever had a show at when I started touring way back as a lad, and it's always been a warm welcome. We've got many great fans in the area and in general is a pretty cool place to spend a day. A quick drop of our gear left a considerable amount of time to get down to some business.

After sending out my daily plethora of emails, phone calls, and texts, I had a chance to hang out with the guys. Despite all of us living together while on the road, sometimes "bro time" as I like to call it, doesn't come as often as one might think. Hanging with the dudes is always a good time and without question a great laugh. Not much more satisfies the soul I'm sure as humor. Aaaaaaaand, even with all the middle school girl giggling we may or may not have participated in, I even managed to sneak in a nap.

The show, as usual went very well. Although it wasn't the largest turnout we've ever pulled at the Fuel Room, given the current state of the economy and the super low concert attendance in all of music at the time, I was by no means dissatisfied with the turn out. It was a good show, and a good time seeing a lot of familiar faces.

Post show, we spent a brief amount of time hanging out with the gents from Eve To Adam. Really nice guys, super cool, and it was fun to spend some time with some guys that were just trying to chill out, relaz and have a good time. That wound out the evening up to going back to the hotel and getting some rest. A not so naturally occurring resource on the road, we had a bounty of time to sleep as the drive to Joliet was as short as you could hope for in this lifestyle. I guess it will have to make up for the next two days when we'll be up and at it before the sun comes up. :( It's all good though, no worries, we all love to do what we're doing. Which reminds me of something a wise man once told me, which I will end today's rambling with,

"Once you find a job you love doing, you won't work another day for the rest of your life."

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Madcity insanity!

I've broken the silence with my previous post, and per request have began to let the creative juices flow once again! It's touring time, which means that it's time to try and write and provide insight, humor, and maybe even a bit of a good read through the words you're reading right now.

The HURT tour has started, and even though it's only six dates, attitudes in our camp are better than I've seen in a long time. There are some great steps being taken and everyone is excited about the future.

All that lovely stuff being said, the band played their first show of the tour Sunday. It was a beautiful day at Taste of Madison, here in Madison, Wisconsin. It was a "throw and go" which is always a recipe for a crazy day. We had great help from the WJJO folks and things went well. People seemed to really enjoy the show, it was a great crowd and I'm hoping everything was pleased.

It's amazing as always to see these guys again. Some of my best friends I've made on the road and it's a pleasure spending time with them. We've picked up two new guys in the crew as well, Jeffro (The Wandering Madman) and Sam. I've met Fro several times before he's a great guy with a positive outlook and an awesome guy to work beside. Sam is my age and he too is a good, hardworking kid.

Today we had a day off, and it was one of the best days off I've had in quite some time. A great lunch was what started it off. In the evening we went to a cookout that some friends from the radio station were having. Cookouts in this business are a wonderful thing. Food was bountiful and good times were had by all. Most of our camp was there as well as my good friends Zach and Ken from Nonpoint. It was good to spend some time with old friends, new friends, and some genuinely nice folks.

Well, it's late and I've got to be up reasonably early for the drive to Libertyville, IL for our show tomorrow at Austin's Fuel Room. On a final note, think about trying this. Everyone's life is so filled with stress, with worries, and with bad news. I know we can't always blow these things off or make them drop off of our plate. However, I've re-learned that a great key to life and to enjoying your time is to really experience it. Take time to truly feel, and smell, take a moment to taste the food you eat and to hear the world around you. Having an essence just for being alive can really put the world in perspective and help to prioritize what's going on around you. Sometimes we can only control ourselves, and it's much easier to do that if you have a positive attitude and enjoy the environment you are in at any given chance.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Ah ha! I'm alive!

Well, well, look who's back. Here I am, after a long absence. Tons of goods to catch up on a lot of excitement has happened in the last month. I'll start this post just trying to cover the last three weeks of the sometimes interesting life of Tanner Steel. Sorry to have just wrote in the third person, it just felt right.

Where to begin? Well, I went out with a band that wasn't HURT for the first time. A call from my great friend Kevin the bonesman landed me a pretty sweet deal slinging merch for the band Nonpoint. It was a wonderful three weeks, well spent with a group of really good guys. It was an awesome experience getting the insight from a different group than the one I'm accustomed to working with. I feel that I took a good advantage of my position there and made some great friends along the way. Let's just say there were many a Eddie Money filled nights and more laughs than a barrel of clowns. (Feel free to give me props on that excellent reference.)

That was a pretty good time and I enjoyed traveling with those cats. I'm certain that this small tidbit is not nearly enough to cover the entire past three weeks, let alone the last nine months or so I've been quiet on this thing.

To my seven readers! Hit me with some feedback and let me know if you'd like me to write a bit here and there more often, I've been thinking about just writing one of these once a week or so even when I'm home. I'd love to write more on the music business from my viewpoint, life, and any other bizarre things that may come to mind. Let me know on that, also spread the word of this blog to your friends so I can broadcast my thoughts to others!!!! Thanks a million!